Welcome to the new blog for the SS Milwaukee Clipper, Here you will find updates regarding onboard work, and other ship-related news!
The photo wall provided by Showtime Photo Booth is truly enhancing the experience of our event.
This week on the Clipper! This week, we were able to prep, prime, and paint the aft deck, and complete some other small projects all thanks to our dedicated volunteers! We are able to do this through the help of private donations and need all the help we can get so we can continue our work. To donate, go to Milwaukeeclipper.com/donate to learn more. Thank you!

You should volunteer! It’s that time again, volunteer start day is May 7th.To sign up to volunteer, go to milwaukeeclipper.com/volunteer, or stop down by the ship. We appreciate all the help we can get. We also have volunteer perks! And they are as follows: Free access to parties on the ship, Volunteer Appreciation Lunch/Dinners, Annual Volunteer Appreciation Christmas Dinner, and our free quarterly newsletter.
Our first workday will take place on May 7th, 2022 on the Milwaukee Clipper for anyone who has a couple of hours to spare. You don’t have to be skilled in a certain trade to volunteer. We hope to see you there!

#didyouknow there is less than a month until the 25th Annual Auction! Buy your tickets today, we only have a limited amount left. Tickets are $40 and can be bought online with this link, https://www.milwaukeeclipper.com/auction/. We will have many neat items for people to bid on, including a… Trip to the Top of the Mackinac Bridge Towers, An 8-Day European Crusie, a weekend at the Grand Hotel, a Trip for two on the SS Badger, plus many other neat items! Also, all tickets include brunch! We hope to see you there, and thanks for supporting the Milwaukee Clipper!

#didyouknow that the port side of the ship is being painted by a contractor? After running into issues with our last contractor, we are happy to say that the ship will be painted once again. This money goes to the paint fund to paint the port side of the Clipper. The project is expected to wrap up by the fall of 2022. We are trying to raise $15,000 for the paint job. Let’s make this a March to remember. Plus, all donations are matched, and all donations are tax-deductible. By donating one gallon of paint, you will get your name in the next newsletter, plus you will be emailed a certificate thanking you for your donation. One gallon of paint costs $55.00. DONATE: Either go to our website https://www.milwaukeeclipper.com/painting where you can donate, or you can also mail us a check at 1370 Muskegon Michigan 49441. Thank you for your support!

Well, the numbers are in! Over the year 2021, we had over 4000 volunteer hours! First off, thank you to all of our volunteers, you helped double our numbers from 2020. Secondly, we still need volunteers to help out on the ship, we have set a goal for 6000 volunteer hours, and we need your help to get there, if you are already a volunteer, thank you! And if not, sign up at https://www.milwaukeeclipper.com/volunteer/
We also got the numbers from the Caring for the Clipper organization, as of now we are on track to meet our $100,000 goal! But to make sure we do, we need to raise $4500 each month. You can donate either as an individual or through your business. Please donate today, remember all funds are matched, to donate, go to https://www.milwaukeeclipper.com/caring-for-the-clipper…/
Thank you so much for your support!

ATTENTION: We have a special announcement! We are announcing today, beginning now through the end of the year, all donations will be matched! We have an anonymous supporter who will be matching donations up to $100,000. If you choose to make a difference and donate as either a business or individual, you can obtain special gifts! Please consider donating today, and thanks for your support. All contributions are tax-exempt and tax-deductible.

We would like to thank Joe Saladin and Ray Hilt for all the painting they completed this year, all painting was done by our own volunteers! Check out the photos below of the progress made, Photo Credit: Joe Saladin.